Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wow, yesterday was my daughters 14th Birthday. Time has passed so swiftly. I can't believe my little girl is going to high school, becoming a young woman. We had a wonderful family/friends party and she and 6 friends went "Disco Bowling". If you haven't seen this or done it, you must try it. I so wanted to hang with the teenagers and bowl, but alas, moms aren't welcome anymore. I'd love to go do it with friends. Disco lights, dance music.. how much more fun could you want? I didn't get any sleep last night since everyone stayed the night. I had to finally go tell them to get to sleep at 3:30am...
I woke up all bleary eyed and a little dizzy from lack of sleep and came to the computer to check on a design team announcement that was coming up. I didn't want to get too excited... a girl has gotten her share of "no's".. so to my surprise, I was chosen! I am the newest member of the Creative Hearts Studio Kit Club design team! I look at a lot of the design team calls and visit the websites and read the conversations going on. I really loved this website, it was inviting, not too intimidating and I had heard fantastic things about the owners. I am really excited to start creating and getting to know the people there. Please come visit the website and join the club!
Here are the photos of the gifts I made for Bianca for her birthday. The first is an acrylic 12x12 layout which will be on a picture shelf in her room, the second is an altered comp book for high school. Not too fancy, but Elsie.. she rocks the product.. lastly a 12x12 sketch book. Bianca is taking her first "official" high school art class next year and I think she has it in her.. her dad is a fantastic artist with a degree from the Academy of Art.. and geez, I like to dabble in a little paper/ink/photography medium.. so who knows? Enjoy your day..

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